Hello World!

I want to welcome you to Nanobioti. We are introducing  nanobioti–nanoscale bioti (biological) robots.  Bioti is plural in latin for biot. Famed science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke first used the word “biot” to refer to a biological robot in 1972. In the coming posts I will describe what they are, how they are produced, something about their potential, and an opportunity for your dear reader to participate in their development by crowdfunding a very special application that I am helping develop, “Nanobiot Pets.”

First let me tell you a little about myself.  I am a senior at Gunn High School, an intern at Regenerative Sciences Institute, where this project originated, Anna

ps– Please expect a lot of changes to this website over the next few days and weeks as we make more information available and development progresses, so check back often!!!